It is not an absolute requirement for any who write or comment on the politics and policies of President Donald Trump, and who also oppose the polices and detest the man, to renounce the use of reason and abandon the exercise of logic. But such scribes find it gorgeously convenient to do so.

Reason sets boundaries, and logic is a screen, and both insist on homage to reality and fairness, even from those in the grip of compulsive malice or seeking the easy applause of manic Hillaryites and Democratic superpartisans. Self-emancipated from the “surly bonds” of reason and logic, visceral anti-Trump reporters and columnists (and they are legion) are free to range with the wildest thoughts, the most outrageous alarms and the most noxious speculations about the “madman/fascist” in the White House.

In a parallel to Tacitus’ grim observation “they make a desert and call it peace,” the journalists of the Trump Resistance fashion nightmares and call them news.

President Trump insists that he is putting America first. This receives the tormented translation that he is a “white nationalist,” a “white supremacist” (a category that has suddenly emerged from its crypt of irrelevance and virtual anachronism into modish press-fed ubiquity) who prioritizes his “personal hatreds” over “good faith” and facts.

Mr. Trump’s signature declaration is but a statement of the necessarily obvious. He is the president of America. Is there some other country whose interest he should put first? Does Justin Trudeau put Canada, even in his deliquescent vision of its post-national existence, first? I hope so. Because otherwise he’s working for Mexico or the UN.

President Trump embraces “patriotism” and proudly calls himself a “nationalist.” Patriotism is the oldest and strongest of civil virtues — it receives commendation even in the Canadian anthem: “true patriot love, in all thy sons command.” (I’m sticking with the unintimidated version. It has more spark than the flattened-out feminist soufflé — “all of us” command.)

He also recently declared himself a proud nationalist — basically a rephrasing of America first. Falling upon the predisposed ears of the reporter-resistance however, this set off an anguished howl. Within minutes of his speech, they had conjured up prose images of Hitler strolling his Berghof hideout in the Bavarian Alps, plotting the doom of the world and its Jews, his two favourite animals in tow, a snarling German Shepherd and its twin, Heinrich Himmler.

A Chris Cillizza, who works at CNN ( a network undergoing a painful, pitiful and protracted self-lobotomy since Hillary’s blundering loss) says of Trump’s nationalism: “It primarily conjures two close associations: Nazism and white nationalism.”

Where does that drear projection come from? Has Mr. Cillizza been binge-watching The Handmaid’s Tale? Or have the wrong type of mushrooms infiltrated his pantry? Hitler doesn’t define nationalism. His demagogic “blood and soil” pseudo-myths, pathological addiction to death and fire, Wagnerian fantasies, and above all the nightmare passion of anti-Semitism that was his very being, his political DNA, have absolutely no reference, no association, with nationalism sanely understood and universally embraced. It certainly has absolutely no shelter or place in the mind of a real-estate businessman who wandered into politics in the closing years of his life.

Trump Tower may be a gaudy excess, but it is emphatically not the Berghof on stilts. The Ride of the Valkyries is not its elevator music (it’s mainly Céline Dion, an altogether more tranquil musician than Wagner), and there is no Alpine prospect from 725 5th Avenue.Patriot. Nationalist. These words describe some of the worthiest leaders in history. Churchill was the greatest patriot of his day. Who loved Britain more than he? Lincoln was the ultimate “nationalist.” He purged his beloved country of slavery, though the cost was civil war. Read the Gettysburg Address again. It’s a love letter, written in deep grief, to the idea of a nation “conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Pierre Trudeau was a nationalist — he fought separatism to keep the Canadian nation whole.

During the Trump presidency, for a great swath of opinion-mongers, Godwin’s law* has been ruthlessly sped up. If he’s caught with a salad (very unlikely), they will scream that Hitler was a vegetarian. Meantime, an incumbency ago, Obama could smother himself in arugula while sneaking a smoke on the lawn of the White House and the cheerleaders would sing hymns to meat-free diets and clean living. Loosed from reason, animated by animus, unmolested by logic — this is where Trump’s critics go.

Most telling is how his pronouncements on the sovereignty of the United States so intensely agitate the lurking fourth estate. This drives them to near mania. He asserts that the nation should guarantee its own borders, a proposition that is as old as states and citizenship. They treat that truism as if it were a page from Mein Kampf. Indeed, some brilliant columnists are likening his determination to stop the organized “caravan” of Central American migrants to the operations of the Holocaust. The Holocaust! It’s a low, mean mind that goes there.

Reason and logic? As far as I remember, the poor Jews of Europe weren’t storming Germany to get in. They were in pure terror to get out. Hitler sent out his armies in murderous pursuit of Jews throughout Europe and Russia with the declared intent of full extermination — the Final Solution. Is the U.S. army planning to sweep down into Honduras? 2018 in America is not the 1930s in Germany and Europe.

Where’s the parallel in this foul, foolish analogy of caravan and Holocaust, to Hitlerian anti-Semitism, the oldest and most durable, deepest racism in history? Is Trump anti-Honduran? An organized and political attempt to deny the sovereignty of the United States, an agitprop march of thousands of poor people duped by those behind the scenes, is emphatically not, to any degree, to be offered as a parallel to Hitler’s efforts to hunt and kill every Jew everywhere while he had the power to do so. It’s close to real blasphemy to assert so.

No wonder one of CNN’s (now-dismissed) pundits (and that’s a real climb up Marc Lamont Hill) just days ago felt it easy to call out, at a UN meeting, and was applauded for it: “Give us … a free Palestine from the river to the sea.” The phrase is the pasteurized version of “end Israel and rid the Middle East of Jews,” just as anti-Zionism is the 21st century’s anti-Semitism 2.0.

Slackening the meaning of history’s greatest crime merely to insult a president, and suddenly moving towards the idea of an extinguished Israel, is not so far a journey. Rhetoric, unbound by reason or logic, leads to such paths. It’s a strange anti-Semite who broke the logjam and finally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

We’re in a strange time, when patriotism is a call to white supremacy, nationalism is a return to Hitlerism, and maintaining national sovereignty is a first step to the Holocaust. The obsessive detractors of President Trump — so consumed with his rough style and rowdy address — outstrip him by miles in both. They look in their mirrors and see Donald Trump. But the mirrors are lying. The faces looking back are their own.