Can anyone explain what U.S. President Barack Obama is doing sending U.S. Special Operations forces to Syria? He certainly can’t. He seems to be discarding the lessons of Vietnam in order to repeat them. But why? There are obvious differences between today and 1961. The Middle East is not Indochina. Islamism and Baathist tyranny are not communism. There is no Cold War, despite Russian President Vladimir Putin’s best efforts. And the United States is more aware of the limits on its capacity to reshape the world. But the lessons of Vietnam were not meant to be confined to a particular time and place. They were meant to be of general application. At issue here is not the lessons the radical angry left drew about “Amerika” being an imperialist power, a sham democracy, its foreign policy about raw materials, its talk of a special mission both dishonest and arrogant. It is the moderate, prudent lesson that you should avoid quagmires whenever possible and not venture even onto moist sand without a clear sense of why and how you are going in, realistic standards for success and above all an “exit strategy” in case a conflict does not turn out the way the best and the brightest confidently assert that it will.

These lessons were always a bit pat. There is a military maxim that no plan survives initial contact with the enemy, so there must always be flexibility in methods, and capabilities, from the outset. And “exit strategies” are not all they are cracked up to be. Once you enter a conflict, putting your credibility on the line, you have little choice but to persist until you either win or, at the very least, secure an honourable stalemate, as in Korea. Which is precisely why you should not go in without a clear, clearly articulated, reasonably popular set of war aims.

This is where the parallels with early American involvement in Vietnam become disquieting. Like former U.S. president John F. Kennedy, Obama is sending combat-ready “advisors” to prop up allied forces whose deficiencies cannot be remedied by a few well-timed words. Like Kennedy, he has far too much confidence in the “illusion of technique” that the right formal skill set imparted by properly certified trainers will rapidly compensate for widespread morale and cultural deficiencies in the ally. Remember, the U.S. just suspended a half-billion dollar program for training thousands of anti-Assad forces that produced fewer than a dozen actual people fighting that vicious Russian-backed regime.

Like Kennedy, Obama has far too much confidence in himself and his soaring rhetoric that raises unreasonable expectations. Like Kennedy, he has a fairly clear idea who the bad guys are, but can’t find convincing good guys or a plan for coping with their absence, even a PR plan. Like Kennedy, he has nothing remotely resembling an exit strategy. And like Kennedy, he is reacting to events to prevent domestic political fallout rather than driving them as part of an integrated geopolitical approach.

In some sense Obama’s problem isn’t too few goals, it’s too many. As this newspaper noted about his equally haphazard flip-flop on withdrawing from Afghanistan less than a month ago, the president intended to “reboot” relations with the Islamic world and Russia, withdraw from foreign entanglements, promote peace and human rights through American humility, reduce defence spending and topple evil dictators at will. But while he is famously silver-tongued, lofty words are not mighty deeds, and his conspicuous disinterest in methods has left him scrambling from crisis to crisis.

Remember, Obama declared on Aug. 20, 2013, that in Syria “a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized.” When Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad promptly crossed that line, the president had the empty gall to insist barely two weeks later, on Sept. 4, “I didn’t set a red line, the world set a red line,” and, “My credibility is not on the line. The international community’s credibility is on the line. And America’s and Congress’s credibility is on the line.” Less than a week later, he drew a red line around himself repeatedly, including saying on Sept. 10, “I will not put American boots on the ground in Syria.”

Now that he has crossed that line, the White House cannot say why. It insists these are not real combat boots and the United States is not intervening in Syria’s civil war, just fighting ISIL, the, um, main force fighting the dictator Assad. The lack of military or communications strategy has left Secretary of State John Kerry stammering: “I can’t predict what the future will bring when our policy is to destroy Daesh (ISIL), to fight back against this evil. But I do think the president has made a judgment that I completely advocated for and concur.”

No. As in Afghanistan, the president has made no judgement at all, except that he must do something that looks tough. There is no strategy, no rationale and no effort to apply the “lessons of Vietnam.” Instead, Professor Obama apparently wants us to do that class over.

Why? Was it so much fun last time?

National Post