US President George W. Bush arrived in Israel today for a historic visit and I for one am very nervous. I am nervous not because I think he has any bad intentions but rather because I believe his Israeli counterparts do.

A couple of weeks ago, Israel was betrayed by one of our own in front of the whole world. On September 10, at a formal dinner hosted by America's Ambassador to Israel, Ha'aretz editor David Landau sold our country out to the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. In his fanatic rant, Landau called Israel a "failed state" and appealed to have the US "rape Israel', forcing her into submission by requiring a US- imposed settlement and humiliating us in front of the entire world.

I am appalled, disappointed and ashamed by the inexcusable comments that David Landau made to a member of a foreign government. I am also greatly distressed by the lack of public response to his words. Landau does not represent even a percentage of the public opinion in Israel and had his tirade been covered in the Hebrew media, the Israeli public surely would have protested.

Israel is not a failed state. Israel is a modern miracle, born out of the ashes of the Holocaust, forced into immediate conflict and made to fight for our very existence. G-d returned the land of Israel to the Jewish people and He is facilitating the return of the exiles before our very eyes.

The problem in Israel is not that David Landau felt it necessary to betray his country and heritage to a diplomat from a foreign country. The problem is that with the exception of Makor Rishon, not one Hebrew media outlet reported this atrocity.

This is a symptom of a greater problem in our country. This is why voting percentages are down, a corrupt government is allowed to stay in power and the Israeli population at large has thrown up its hands in defeat. This is why no matter how many initiatives have failed based on the concept of land for peace; our government continues to push these ludicrous plans.

The leftist media in Israel continues to reward coverage only to those pushing plans that will ultimately destroy our country. Anyone who stands up and speaks out against committing national suicide is a considered a fanatic or an extremist. Just look at the facts. The nationalist camp has predicted every disaster from the Lebanon withdrawal, to Oslo and Disengagement but no one from the left has ever come out and apologized for these mega blunders. In fact these same politicians are still running the country. How is that possible?

The answer is that these plans have also been the agenda of our media. Go back to the coverage of disengagement and how they hailed Sharon as a hero or how they spoke of the brilliance of Oslo. In more recent events, look at the media's new darling; the Annapolis conference and the emphasis that has been placed on dividing Jerusalem.

Now let's go to the case of David Landau. This incident is a national disgrace. It has been reported all over the world but the Hebrew media has completely avoided it. The silence is deafening. In fact, the vast majority of Israelis don't even know it happened.

Israel needs to wake up and realize that we are under attack. From outside and from within. We need a national information campaign to let our fellow brothers and sisters know that things can be better. Israelis need to hold their heads up high and be proud again. To this end, I have launched the Israeli Initiative and worked to find new and exciting methods to penetrate the Hebrew media, including a trailer I released entitled "The Last Fanatic". I believe that the average Israeli loves this country and sees it as a great source of pride. We need that spirit to embolden the entire country to speak out and declare that no one will rape Israel. This is the message that we need to send to President Bush and I believe he will stand by us if we do.

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