Despite describing Jewish musicians and Russian composers as "subhuman" and claiming that Jewish art "never existed," Adolf Hitler listened to their music in secret, it was reported Tuesday.

One of the records discovered was a Tchaikovsky violin concerto featuring the violinist Bronislaw Huberman, a Polish Jew who was officially declared an enemy of the Third Reich and who fled Vienna in 1937.

The Guardian newspaper reported that several of the records were worn and scratched from frequent use.

The collection was discovered by Lev Bezymensky, a Jewish Soviet intelligence officer, who had been ordered to search the Reich Chancellery shortly after Berlin fell to the Soviets in May 1945.

Bezymensky took the records back to Moscow, and after his death last month, his daughter decided to give the collection to the German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Bezymensky claimed that he had attended the autopsy of the burned remains of Hitler's body, where he confirmed the belief that Hitler had just one testicle.

Hitler famously wrote in Mein Kampf that "there was never a Jewish art and there is none today," and that the "two queens of the arts, architecture and music, gained nothing from the Jews." He also referred to Russians as subhumans and denied they had made any contribution to the cultural world.

The Guardian quoted Bezymensky's daughter Alexandra as saying she was disgusted by Hitler's hypocrisy in his choice of music.

"This is a complete mockery," she said. "Millions of Slavs and Jews had to die because of the Nazis' racist ideology."


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