As the world recoils from international terror, the PLO takes pride in the fact that it has been the source of world terror, and that terrorists around the world have copied their tactics and techniques.

It has already been noted by terror analysts that much of world terror was started by the Palestinian terrorists, and then copied by other terrorists in their own countries for their own purposes. Whereas the world views this with contempt, the PLO’s Fatah faction acknowledges this and even takes pride in it.

The Secretary of Fatah in Gaza, Ahmed Hales Abu Maher, expressed pride on Palestinian TV that the Fatah "gives daily examples" that the world has "imitated," from the participation of children in combat to the widespread use of suicide terror, all of which started with the Fatah-PLO.

The following is the statement on PA TV:

Ahmed Hales Abu Maher, Secretary of Fatah in Gaza:

“Oh warrior brothers, this is a nation that will never be broken, it is a revolution that will never be defeated. This is a nation that gives an example every day that is imitated across the world. We gave the world the children of the RPG [Rocket Propelled Grenades], we gave the world the children stone [-throwers], and we gave the world the male and female Martyrdom-Seekers [suicide bombers]."

[Palestinian Authority TV, November 14, 2006]